Any of the these questions are indicators that it is time to renew or get a financial strategy in place. One of the greatest challenges in getting sound financial advice is finding a person who is truly objective, who is not trying to sell you insurance, invest your money or talk you into some type of financial product.
The Wealth and Health program is about setting a clear path for your financial goals. It is about having a solid context for decision making with written actions to support your goals, and creating alignment for couples who want to have harmony in planning together. There are no products to buy–just solid, grounded financial advice and strategies.
For small business owners, we’ll integrate your plan with the cash flows of your business and identify helpful strategies to optimize integration of your personal and business finances.
We encourage you to download the Money Matters Financial Assessment in the Financial Tools area of the site. Complete it yourself and, if you’re married or have a significant other, have your partner do the same.
If you think the timing is right to get your strategy in place, take advantage of our complimentary consultation offer. And if you complete the financial assessment, we are happy to include a review of each item in the questionnaire in your consultation.
Break through the issues and fears that are holding you back from awareness, discovery, growth and change.
For a complimentary initial consultation:
Brock Dumont Consulting | Ashland, OR 97520
Email: brock@brockdumont.com
Phone: 541-708-0658